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Personal Injury

No one deserves to be hurt by someone else. Often times, people who have been hurt by others’ mistakes are made to feel as though they are to blame and at fault. It is our obligation to demand justice for each and every one of our clients and hold those responsible, accountable for our client’s losses. We are unique when compared to most other attorneys who handle these cases for one main reason–because we care. We treat our clients like family and we advocate vigorously for their rights. Each client’s situation is unique and we do whatever it takes to get the best possible result.


You can be injured in a host of different ways: automobile accident, motorcycle collision, bicycle crash, pedestrian mishap, animal bite, slip and fall, assault and battery or other incidents can cause a personal injury. In addition to the physical and emotional pain, you will spend sleepless nights worrying about the expensive medical bills that have accrued because of it. You will suffer. Your family will suffer. Everyone around you who cares about you will suffer with you.  These problems are especially troubling when the incident was not even your fault. Whether your personal injury happened because of intentional wrongdoing or an accident, you do not have to suffer alone. 


Those that are responsible for injuring others rarely accept full responsibility for those injuries. If one of these unfortunate circumstances has occurred in your life and you have suffered an injury because of it, you deserve financial compensation for medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and a host of other compensable losses. HOULÉ LAW will help you recover what you are owed. 



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